In 1900, Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder, of the United States, established a medical mission
serving women and children in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, South India. She had to battle with disease, ignorance, superstition, apathy and indifference. The average life expectancy in India was a pathetic 24 years, one person died every minute from tuberculosis and one in four babies died before their first birthday.
Dr. Scudder started by conducting “roadside clinics”, visiting villages and hamlets outside Vellore. She then began training local women as compounders and nurses to help her. In 1918, she established a medical school for training women doctors. The Women’s Medical School was upgraded to the Women’s Medical College in 1942 and finally the Christian Medical College Vellore in 1947 accepting both women and men for medical training.
From one doctor in 1900 to 1,210 doctors in 2010. From one bed to a 2,500-bed tertiary care centre.
Today, CMC is a venerable institution, rated as one of India’s finest, lauded for its commitment to the poor and the marginalized, and for providing medical care that is holistic and compassionate. CMC is also a pioneer in cutting edge technology, a leader
in research relevant to the health needs of India. Its coveted training programs — diploma, graduate, postgraduate and super specialities embrace the entire gamut of the medical field from medicine to health management, as well as distance education and
e-learning programs.
Current and Proposed Committee Projects in Vellore:
Emergency Health Care Fund
Facilities Improvements
Nursing Scholarships
Allied Health Sciences Scholarships
Continuing Education Scholarships for Instructors – Research/Skill Improvement
Continuing Education Seminars for Instructors – Counselling